So it has been a relatively good week of riding: 76km on Monday with Renier, 42km mad dash in the rain on Wed with the youngsters, 30km recovery ride on Thursday and a 86km ride out into the farmlands on Sunday with Greg.

I have recently discovered Strava - this is a online record of all your rides and you get to see what your friends are also doing. What is also interesting about Strava is that your ride is split into segments, that other riders have ridden in the past - these segments normally are hills, straights or certain sections of your ride and have each been given names i.e. I am currently the KOM for the Bredell Dam single track North . There is a leader board of each of these segments where the fastest riders are displayed and this makes it very competitive. So even if you are riding alone you really give it your all in certain segments to try and move up the log. Hence the picture above - if I collapse, please pause my Garmin so I can not loose my place on the leader board. It is really fun and you should give a try if you have a compatible device that can upload your ride stats onto Strava.
P.S. Seems like our protest about the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve fees increase has worked and they will be only increasing the fees by 10%.
Happy riding...
Happy riding...
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